How to convert endnotes to footnotes in pages
How to convert endnotes to footnotes in pages

how to convert endnotes to footnotes in pages

Indesign can't set several notes on one line.


Here we give a brief overview of how to deal with these cross-references and show how to delete and add notes, and how to restart numbering. The scripts described on these pages all make use of cross-referencing for their numbering. Adding and deleting notes: managing cross-references Static endnotes can be converted to dynamic endnotes. Endnotes to static endnotes (CC2018–)Ĭonvert InDesign's endnotes to (plain-text) static endnotes. Endnotes to footnotes (CC2018–)Ĭonvert InDesign's native endnotes footnotes. Endnotes to footnotes (pre-CC2018)Ĭonvert endnotes (both static and dynamic) to InDesign's (dynamic) footnotes. Footnotes to margin notesĬonvert InDesign's footnotes to marginal notes. The script creates page references to endnotes in an endnote section or document of the form Notes to pp. Page references to endnote numbers in running headers in the endnote section Footnotes to end-of-book notesĭocument footnotes are converted to end-of-book notes. Footnotes to endnotes (CC2018–)Ĭonvert a document's footnotes to InDesign's native endnotes. The script described here converts a document's footnotes to dynamically numbered endnotes using cross-references. An added bonus is that these scripts can be used in CS3, too, unlike the cross-reference scripts, which work only in CS4 and later.įrom CC2017, InDesign supports column-spanning footnotes. The numbering is semi-automatic in that the notes themselves are numbered automatically using numbered lists (this is convenient and unproblematic), but the note references are updated using a simple script. The scripts in this section describe footnote solutions that do seem to me to be reasonable alternatives. Footnotes and columnsįor reasons mentioned earlier I've become a bit more careful with cross-references, now preferring methods without them if there is a reasonable alternative.

how to convert endnotes to footnotes in pages how to convert endnotes to footnotes in pages

And they use their own numbering and numbering style, usually Roman, starting at 1 at every table. But most of the time, typesetters need footnotes that are separate from the body text, and are placed immediately after the table. Unfortunately, the footnotes appear together with the main text's footnotes, as in MS Word. This is Paypal's payment system you don't need a Paypal account to use it: you can use several types/brands of credit and debit card.įootnotes can be added to tables from CC2019. To make a donation, please press the button below. The scripts in the first section, "Footnotes and columns", and the script to do end-of-book notes, use a non-dynamic method the one in "Footnotes to endnotes" does create dynamically numbered notes.Ĭonsider making a donation. I've spent several hours fixing cross-reference problems in a few of my own documents but also in documents of some other people. Another problem is that when something goes wrong with cross-references, the document is difficult to repair. One issue is that cross-references cannot practically be used in books because updating them is terribly slow. Recently, however, like some other people, I've been bitten by some issues to do with cross-references. The method outlined by Peter Gold is simple and elegant, but labour-intensive if you want to convert all footnotes in a document or when you've placed in InDesign an MS Word document that contains a lot of endnotes which you want to convert to dynamic endnotes. Then at the location of the note reference, create a cross-reference to the endnote. The method is simple: create a paragraph style for the endnotes and enable numbering in it create a character style that sets the format for the note references and add a cross-reference format that defines just a paragraph's number. Several scripts described here implement a method outlined by Peter Gold (in InDesign's user-to-user forum) and described in detail by Bob Bringhurst (see his blog see also ). This arsenal can be expanded by some scripts. Convert footnotes to endnotes, column notes, or margin notesīefore CC2018, InDesign did just one type of note: footnotes (not counting what is called 'note' in InDesign, i.e. Several scripts here to manage footnotes: convert footnotes to (dynamic) endnotes or margin notes convert footnotes to column-spanning footnotes set footnotes in columns inline notes and managing the space between main text and ID's footnotes.Īfter many years of silence, Adobe added functionality to notes: CC2017 introduced column-spanning footnotes and per-page overrides for some footnote properties CC2018 introduced endnotes, both in the main text and in tables and from CC2019 we can finally add footnotes in tables.

How to convert endnotes to footnotes in pages